Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Bite of The Big Apple - Pop Burger

I have decided to do a series called A Bite of the Big Apple within my blog to give you a taste of the things I feel are uniquely New York. These blogs will describe events, theatre, restaurants, night life and anything else that can only be found in this bustling city. And for those of you who plan on visiting, this could be used as a great tool to help you pick some potential destinations. So...Bon appetit!

Have you ever wondered about those models who say they love burgers but weigh a mere 95 pounds? If you ask me, I don't buy that "I eat anything I want" bit. But if they were to succumb to the temptation of fried food like the rest of us, I'm sure they would pay a visit to Pop Burger.

Who can resist the guilt free goodness of a bite sized burger? Its not like New York city McDonald's give you the option to feel good about your nutritional choices when the calorie count is posted right on the menu. Big Mac meal...600 - 1200 calories. What's with the variation; is that with or without the special sauce? I say, skip the complicated and go for the smaller joys in life. Pop Burger makes portion control easy, and easy to afford. With two mini burgers you have the option to think about Larz, your personal trainer, before you break your diet; or, you can give him your second burger. And if Larz is completely against beef, you can opt for a chicken burger which has the same amount of flavor but lacks of cuteness - chicken burgers don't come in the mini size.

J'aime Bianca

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